Muslim cabby Tamsir Drammeh was fined $350.
A Muslim New York City taxi driver was hit with a $350 fine after refusing to allow a female passenger to sit in the front seat of his cab. Taxi driver Tamsir Drammeh argued that due to “religious reasons”, he could not allow a woman to sit so close to him and would need to be in the backseat.
Drammeh picked up the woman and her family at Penn Station and when her two children, ages 6 and 11, got in the backseat with her husband, the mother went to sit in the front seat where there was additional room. The driver refused to open the door and told her that her husband could sit up front, but she could not.
The family was quite offended and promptly exited the cab, snapped a picture of the number of the taxi and hailed a different cab.
The wife filed a complaint and alleged sex discrimination.
A city judge did not agree with his argument that his Islamic religion would forbid him from being so close to a female stranger. She told the taxi driver that he needs to keep his religion to himself when he is serving the public.
Drammeh appealed the city hearing decision and lost again on appeal.
Fellow Muslims said Drammeh’s excuse was indeed a stretch. In addition, the manager of his garage, J and I Maintenance Corp. said, “there is no such thing.”
Another driver at the garage added, “Maybe if she was drunk and wearing a skirt hiked up to here,” as he pointed to the tops of his thighs. “He wouldn’t have her in the front, but only if she is alone.”
In Drammeh’s defense, Hossein Kamaly, a Middle Eastern studies profession at Columbia University, stated that Muslims often make up their own understanding and interpretation of the religious laws. He said that while some Muslims would be comfortable with having the woman in the front seat, some would not be. Another factor is Drammeh’s age and how he was brought up, as values were different back then.
Drammeh was fined and was suspended from his job for a day. He does continue to drive and pick up passengers.
By Samantha
YellowCabNYCTaxi.com Staff Writer
what about those frogs who love to have sex on the back seat.without respecting the morality of drivers.anyway Islam is coming to america .no Drink except vodka trump no smoke except weed and also you can marry 4 women .not gays.
TLC is planning for an other 6 hours psychology course for all cabbies ..The course cost will be 120$ .
why some people feel losing something after an argument ???
why they make it harder to win a video game? and not making it harder to pass a math test in schools???
5 points each for each question.
Silly excuse, but still the family has PLENTY of other cabs to choose from and Uber where the driver would probably goose the wife/mother for free!!!
The back seat is safer, don’t you want your wife & kids
in the back seat?
Try to make them all buckle up, such a nice family. Do the husband &wife drive for Uber?
Yeooowww! Yo keep changing this site format, someone got ants in the pants.
Everyone cheered when certain PD hit the dust,fr yrs it was
breaking laws everyday.
& if it fouond out yo were cheering,they’d invade
yo house.
Poor cabby gets all the highlights. Focus on the real criminals. Start with the head Commissioner of TLC.
Tell Muslim cabbie not to worry about the $350. Owner drivers are losing everything, cab, medallion, house, income, $1,000,000. Those left will lose it all when they have to buy a new cab. WCA, Taxi of Tomorrow. But Joshi took an uber and liked it.
Uber baby
Plish medal winner turns ‘car gift’ into taxi in
south mountain town
A wonderful Christmas story which I hope is true: There was a Polish Olympic Gold Medal Winner in Ski Jump who was recognized by the Polish Government by the gift of “a car.” What did he do with it? He lived in a southern mountain town and turned it into a TAXI. You never know who the great person behind the wheel of a TAXI is. They caretake their passengers all day long.
Parisian taxis got rid of Uber by blocking key traffic
soits gikudat weekend.
That’s what I heard. That Parisian taxi drivers picked a very popular holiday weekend and blocked all kinds of key traffic areas, tunnels, bridges, was how it was described to me. Of course they had to suffer police removal of their vehicles, etc., but in the end I’m told Uber is banned from Paris.
Or, she could have just gotten into the back seat and let the husband sit up front (seems like you’d do that anyway…)
Really painfull looking for a bathroom ,Feeling like an animal in a zoo, No body like to give access to a toilet in manhattan .few of them too dirty full of hilobateria .waw all gas station receeded out and other places always with long line .Tlc must do something about this as soon as possible .when you asked somebody access to bath is like asking him for lottery winning number.
somebody hyper tonight.BkMk?
Happy new year 2016
Ubers!!! Show us your tax return.why you re silent????cabies!!Show us you returns. Why tlc couldnt tell us anything about income???
I am overseas for an extended period of time and I won’t make it before the expiration date of my license, did anyone fell into the same situation before ?
Uber saturated,no mo partners.Existing partners sell
their spots.Hey,Umedallion!!!
They’d call it the Uber button, of course tlc would have to approve the sale. Then when NYC/tlc feels need, will help Uber hold Umedallion auctions, and the prices will go sky high.
Same to happen to Green cab permits?
Uber medallions, partners trading capped spots.How’d
that happen?
M. Joshi needs to resign. What a mess she and Yassky made….
Yowee! Goldie-S*cks goin ta finance those
Uber medallions? heh heh
all cabies must lease uber cars and work with uber let put the work together,yellow is over.
More and more uber drivers, less money. Yellow still making more money.
You Uber driver’s really think you can last that long? Just wait till you see when the IRS comes knocking on your door for bogus filing, NY State will regulate more rules against Uber driver’s for not having the proper insurance plans and etc… Then TLC will come into play with the state.
I’m a Medallion owner and the driver’s are still making the same amount or $100-200 less per week. The cab driver’s do not need to follow the bs rules that uber have and be your own boss. No need to pay that royalty fees and still have to pay all the same expenses as yellow do.
UBER: Royalty fees, gas, use your own car, maintenance yourself, follow uber policy to get good rating (BS), if you follow the law then they’ll get the commercial insurance plan.
Taxi: Lease, gas
No worries, everyone can leave to Uber and then when they tank that’s when all the driver realize that its time to go back to Yellow. Too Late! Some driver’s do not have any sort of common sense and all the follow is green’s until it is depleted then decides to run back. hahaha those type of driver’s are called “Imbecile”.
UBER = 32% + car payment + ins
Prius is the worse stupid car ever driven as a cab driver. no power, wind resistant, tires grinding sound ends in your head. who approves cars for the tlc to be used for taxis. stupidity and money under tables has been exchanged for this mass
For an owner driver the Prius without a partition is the best choice. Almost no repairs. There is a power button that will give you more power.
this is unfair even the judge didn’t know how to deal with this
Almost every passenger I collect at LGA and JFK tell me they were approached by hustlers. The captain or whoever is in command of the PA police should be fired. It’s a simple thing to fix. The PA cops should be able to easily stop this. All it requires is a bit of effort by the cops. Tourists should be protected from a crime that’s easy to fix. PA cops DO YOUR JOB!
Why…?…That’s Been Going On Forever….Uber In Their Pockets Too Now…???…..There ARE Not Enough TREES To Hang These Criminals From…..
Don’t blame Uber for NYC’s traffic problems
January 15, 2016: 3:56 PM ET
Yes, New York City is notorious for its traffic problems — but a $2 million study found that Uber isn’t the bad guy.
The highly-anticipated study was commissioned over the summer to examine how the ride-hailing firm is impacting traffic congestion in Manhattan.
In July, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio halted his controversial plan to heavily cap the company’s growth. He said he reserved the right to do so if the study deemed it was adding to the city’s congestion. A cap in New York City — one of Uber’s biggest U.S. markets — would have been a major hit to the company.
But no cap is necessary, for now. The study, which examined the impact of Uber and other ridesharing services on Manhattan’s bustling Central Business District (below 60th street), found that Uber isn’t disproportionately driving congestion any more than other vehicles on the road.
“Vehicles of all types play a role in congestion,” read the study, which was conducted by consulting firm McKinsey & Co. between August and October.
Uber’s Growth
Pure BS….Uber Paid To Suppress the Numbers …!!!!
Traffic Study
Traffic Study1
Traffic Study2
Traffic Study3
Traffic Study4
Traffic Study5
Traffic Study6
Traffic Study7
Traffic Study8
Traffic Study9
Traffic Study10
Traffic Study11
Traffic Study12
PAID Dane Clayton knows what study results will bring
him more business.
Unfortunately, yellows never goin ta hire DANE CLAYTON. There is an Uber on every yellow’s tail, smothered by Uber. A midget on the shoulders of a giant can see further.
50,000 Ubers with no jobs is castrating NYC traffic. A bunch of graphs and carefully
CRAFTED statistics ain’t goin change it.
One poster is right, there is not a big enough tree for Dane Clayton! Yee Haw
Recall Brookliine, MA?Big NYC consultant PAID to
convert to medallion system?
Hardy har har. Right in the middle of the BIG FAT FEE-PAID STUDY, medallion values went down to PIP and Uber gypsies FLOODED Brookline, MA. Suddenly, the BIG-PAID study result said the conversion to medallion system should be “held off.”
Ubers uplifted, tlc-mayor-gov uplifted, yellow O/Drivers
sent to hell. (without prejudice ha ha ha)
What is my color today?Black,pink, red/white/blue,
green?Never yellow.
Im getting pings on way2ride but they all have been cancelled. Even around the corner. I don’t even bother answering the ping anymore.
Anyone Hear about protest at City Fall ..I Meant City Hall…????
Chamelon Joshi, her color is black with a pink mustache.
NYC mayor to limit horse drawn carriages.Pin the tail on
the donkeys!
Yep, dey gonna limit the horse drawn carriages to within Central Park, with the number of horses reduced from 95 to 75, and 3 days a year the drivers can charge $5 extra, including Valentine’s day.
Dey also gonna ban pedi-cabs in Central Park below waz it 85th st?
But dose UBERS can have 100,000 all over NYC.
Pin the tail on Joshi.
Money talks and uber knows whos pocket to put it in.
Uber doesn’t even have to have a license holder. Uber just sticks the fhv license in a vent or tape it anywhere. We need a lighted plastic holder. Rules for everything and everyone except uber. WHY?
The thinking among Uber financial supporters is that a tidal wave of cash will drown any rival and allow realization of the ultimate goal, a monstrously successful initial public offering (IPO) valued at $70 billion or more. Obviously, the reality of this goal is not guaranteed, and no one knows if Uber will crash and burn before the big payday
guys in America are bunch of faggots. once my psychology professor said he has a theory for the future of sex roles in America. where woman become man and man become woman. iv been driving for five years and I always see the woman whos doing the talking and theyre alwys sitting in the front with the driver, which man would allow his wife to sit next to another man in a box unless hes a faggot.
Immigrants used to want to become American. Assimilate. The middle eastern immigrants don’t want to assimilate. With that attitude they will always be cab drivers. No one wants to hire them.
meter peter,you need to travel ,visit europ or just canada you will find middle easterns.the arabs you see in america are just green card holders or marriage visa immigrants.in usa you never own anything you guys are ran over by banks you work like dam animals with no hope .30 years mortgage (la mort the l age in french language ) the death of life. to own a five foot square apartment and a life time tuition just to learn basic math .and if you pass 30 years old no company would hire you/this is hell no freedom.on bedroom for 2000$ is just insane and a shame .if you took that 2000$ to greek you live in big farm house.you guys are brain washed all your hard work goes to ghosts in america.in america you can see 60 years old women going to work in a warehouse at 5am .wakeup people that not freedom that prison.
Cabby Song was wonderful.Ask the author, try
get Daily News to print it.
No kidding, get the author to give it to Daily News to print it, FRONT PAGE.
To be fair Greece is bankrupt… Everything you said doesn’t answer what Peter was talking about. I believe Peter has a point.. It’s one of the strong reasons why the taxi industry was so easily conquerable(is that a word?)
TLC Commissioner’s intentional inaction is unacceptable. Joshi must go.
Brooklyn,20$ an hour not enough to live within metropolitan sector these days,or you go work with teenagers with 8$ an hour in stores .something is wrong here ,they are targeting taxis to cutoff income to poor people and google car will be here soon and roads will be redesigned .so what kind of job will be available to you in the future.Only if you know how to design microprocessors and stop china and migration to usa but big price comes after ,
The TODA has a court hearing today asking for an injunction. Wishing you guys good luck. Uber is so illegal. Immigrants were told they were buying into the American dream. The government has no business lying and conning hard working drivers. For the drivers who thought they were buying into the American dream it was really the American nightmare.
I second that, Peter. NYC gov is criminally implicit in what it has done to its own regulated taxi industry. I couldn’t use iPhones with Taxi apps before Uber was even founded. You were ticketed at the spot. Years later came Uber and it was “ok”. 50% WCA on us, and 0 on Uber. Unfair. Unlawful. Criminals at TLC must be fired.
TLC idea of level playing field is to let uber do what they want and loosen some of restrictions on taxi licensing. Joshi says that’s even. I say fire Joshi!
Close to 1500 medallions on the shelf.
Where you got the info?
Out of THIN Air…Really 1,500 ???…Stop Making Up STUFF…!!!
It suks when comments are moderated and you can’t post the Truth. Too many cabs sitting.
Okay broker in the know why don’t you tell us how many are on the shelf. You cant because im correct.
NOW… you can transfer your livery licence OR Car service licence to a YELLOW CAB licence with NO school ,NO test and NO FEE .. just fill application at 36-01 21th st , long island city . and get your new licence ……. GOOD LUCK
I was told by the owner of the garage I drive for that there are 2000 medallions at the tlc and he is giving as many as he can back to owners because he can’t get drivers. This business is screwed just wait for spring weather to get here were all going to starve uber to there’s just to many of them
Owner Of Garage Says That So He Don’t Pay Med Owners Full Price…Sooo….Grow UP and WORK Stop Bitchen…..
Broker on The Know is correct!
It’s not 2000 but it’s getting close to 1500 because drivers don’t want to buy a TOT or WC taxi. Brokers are returning medallions as soon as the contract is up. Baloons are being renewed by brokers in house only. No shopping around.
WC Cab is 19 K….See Post about IT in Here…Sooo…
Grow up and work ? WTF. AHOLE, I’ve been working for 40 years and this business is done all yellows are getting is the crumbs that are left . Many airport rides gone, why uber. Airports never stripped, why uber. It doesn’t pay to even go to the airport anymore , go to JFK and sit in the lot for hours. Used to book 50.00 or more an hour before uber now in the winter it’s 35-40 after February / march when the weather warms up and people start walking more, combined with uber dropping their prices it’s going to drop more. The fleets haven’t dropped prices so every drop in business comes right out of the drivers pocket. If you think business is good your a fool , medallion worth maybe 200,000 any body who pays more is a fool , wait until you see how bad things get this summer,
The cause of traffic congestion is really yellow cabs because all of them are in traffic and empty .imagine 1000 taxis empty blocking traffic ,but others like uber .lyft they pull ove and stand till tlhey get a call… they don’t cause congestion,but cabie has to drive through his time line till he finds something.it is over for yellow.
Guess you never heard of a taxi line, genius.
They don’t teach them “taxi lanes” @ Uber Marketing department.
Well Looky The Clowns in Ubah Land Lowering Prices YET Again…Huh…Don’t They KNOW There ARE Only So Many Customers….???……AM Rush and PM Rush…!…The Rest of The Time ITS DEADO Land…Even MASS Transit LOSES Money…Shumcks
The Post put uber fare cut on front page. That’s front page news?! I guess the post wants to give uber all the help it can. Anyone know why?
Which is it? Uber XL AND Uber X both allowed?Thought Uber
was Joshi limo PAL?
Unbelievable, no one even can find out what’s going on.
Meter Peter, yes or no UberX is allowed to operate by Joshi, or they are doing it
without approval?
If Joshi allows UberX that’s it, physically take them off the road or
yellow done.
No other choice for yellows, see them, circle them, render them inoperable.
Uber ‘x’ has been here for years.