Joining the lineup of stars in this fall’s must-see films: A young Robert De Niro.
“Taxi Driver,” the Martin Scorsese classic starring De Niro as Travis Bickle, is coming back to NYC theaters to celebrate the film’s 40th anniversary. It’ll screen for two days only – Oct. 16 and Oct. 19.
The film, which was released on Feb. 8, 1976, kicked off its yearlong anniversary celebrations at the Tribeca Film Festival in April with a discussion panel at the Beacon Theatre. The nationwide Fathom Events screenings will also give fans a look at the Q&A with De Niro, Jodie Foster, Martin Scorsese and others.
So, hop in a cab in the film’s honor and head to these theaters to catch the classic: Empire 25 (134 West 42nd St., Manhattan), Union Square 14 (850 Broadway, Manhattan), Kaufman Astoria 14 (35-30 38th St., Astoria) and College Point Multiplex (28-55 Ulmer St., Whitestone). All show times are at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Someday a real rain will wash away all the ubers, greencabs, and gypsy car/limos. The TLC pimps will get theirs, and the hardworking cabby will be revered as the hero.
American is sold and under abuse.
The rich can’t even speak good English
The Crazy man wants to become the united state President of america ,the man who grap pussies.
The mentality of sexisme in American has destroyed the root of the real American culture ,The dictionary has updated with trumpiest language .” we are winning bigly” They can’t speak English and that is the end of America..Americans also can’t compete anymore because of these mafia rich white people who make real estate and rental property impossible and unaffordable to americans even for veterans and heros ..transliding people’s lives on money will bring back the bad days of Uncontrollable mafia and organized crimes and so on ..Are you talking to me ?? yeh !you mr trump !are you talking to me ?? sonxfxxtch.You can’t be my president! take it bxxxtch!!
Uber’s 25-30% commission from NYC rides goes to Netherland for tax evasion. Way to go, City Council. Uber is robbing NYC blind and no one is doing anything.
It’s magic drivers still driving for $300 a week
If you can’t move, how to expect to get more costumers? Do you believe in magic in November and December to make more money to support the family, and our kids? And be careful, because COPS writing more summonses before the holiday season!
now watch out! the green taxis are about to get the little metal permit plates on top on thire vehicles! good news for them.
the green taxi permit plate looks like old yellow cab medallion plate. example is in this shape.
An uber driver told me the first 2 months uber keeps them busy feeding them jobs then the hammer falls.
Lease prices dropping ?
Really ? Where ?
Put down the crack pipe.
Family Cab – can you give some details on what is happening to lease rates?
now watch out! the green taxis are about to get the little metal permit plates on top on thire vehicles! good news for them
How much have they come down…what are lease rates now?
Lease has come down so much that more cabs are sitting every day
AirBnB is now ILLEGAL in NYC. TLC looks dumber and dumber every day. An E-hail is a Hail, same way as E-book is a Book, and E-hotel is a Hotel. Will this commission ever wise up… Their naivety and shortsightedness cost NYC and taxi drivers BILLIONS of dollars that Uber (illicitly) pocketed without even saying thank you.
Uber is running the TLC now fair share. Uber objected to the 12 hour deal so it got thrown out. You don’t believe for a second there was any other reason?
@meterpeter what was the “12 hour” deal?
The only legal form of U er, IMO:
@meterpeter oh I see the 12-hour fatigue rule…
I thought you meant uber users needed to wait 12 hours before hailing an Uber that wasnt a licensed NYC yellow
Uber is complaining about the airport hustlers so I guess the PA will put a stop to it now that uber wants action. Uber is running things now.
no leadership from gutless TLC
and judges rush justice, clip fists of Taxi drivers/owners
This will end badly
but for who
I was at JFK yesterday term 1 and a loudspeaker warned passengers about hustlers. Uber is getting things done. Uber won’t stand for their company losing business. Uber makes one complaint about hustlers and action is taken. Yellows have been asking for years and only token action.
its a shame the public views us as “the big taxi cartel” when that is not at all true for many medallion owners- we might be able to get a bail out or loan modifications from these banks if they didn’t picture Gene Friedman every time someone thought of a taxi cab owner.
Its a real shame.
I think the only real solution here is to go on STRIKE for as long as it takes. Medallion values have plumetted anyway. Maybe the fear is that people will just use Uber, but the City will lose out big too. And it could bring attention to the fact that many medallion owner are just people who will lose their homes, etc. I dont know. This is all pretty sad.
… not to mention that people in wheelchairs will be totally screwed without us.
OH and it looks like Uber is getting hit again with a class-action lawsuit regarding employee/independent contractor status- suit filed yesterday in southern district new york federal court
Im usually against strikes own driver but we have nothing to lose now.
“Taxi cartel” is fabrication of Uber propaganda department. It’s fake, misleading and bogus. Most medallion owners and cabbies are either independent or are small businesses.
Uber on the other hand….
i think only hope is a real strike
and why should we pay the mta tax now-
30,000 ubers means we dont have any special right to the streets to justify the tax
Now both Uber and Yellows can be ‘plying for hire’ in the streets of manhattan
this is what the city wrote in their latest federal lawsuit papers:
“The bottom line is that all of plaintiffs’ claims emanate from their upset with how TLC regulates, or in some cases, does not regulate, FHVs using electronic app technology such as Uber and Lyft, and the supposed impact that it is having on the medallion taxi industry.”
Read again what they are saying about us: “The supposed impact”
Seriously??? This is outrageous
I suspect that uber has bribed a lot of people in NYC Govt. Like Preet said; “There is corruption everywhere I look “. The mayor and tlc are in ubers pocket. We can’t buy a camry or prius. What a joke. Drivers who owe or don’t even owe will simply abandon their medallions when they have to buy a new cab. If we could drive a hybrid without a partition we could compete. But our hands are tied. The TLC said we no longer have to have a partition but the taxi of tomorrow has a partition that can’t be removed. Really helpful rule. Joke.
Its a shame because preet is going to be gone soon
Its also a shame when you look at his twitter he has more support from people in turkey than in ny
Anybody know what happened at the penn plaza auction ?
Richie: buyers did not meet minimum banks wanted-
Industry is frozen now.
Things maybe will get interesting when bank owners start putting more pressure on pols ?
Banks getting screwed too, not just medallion owners
Credit union wanted 400 minimum for restricted and 550 for unrestricted individual, even with 100% financing none were sold.
400 bid for unrestricted was not accepted.
City lost billions because of failure to regulate law-breaking Uber.
Can’t give a medallion away. It’s just so much junk now.
medallion will never lose all of its value because someone needs to drive people of color and people in wheelchairs
apparently Uber/Lyft doesn’t do that; as a reward city offers us MTA tax and ugly cars to choose from
Meera Joshi must know deep down how the City will pay for her silly “regulatory approach” – which is “no approach” – she is sleeping on the job and knows nothing about transportation she’s just a dumb lawyer
Medallion is dead. Since they imposed mta, improvement tax to gps, credit cards machines in addition to competition from uber, lyft, huslers and green, drivers couldn’t keep up with american dream. It’s over. 95% percent of trips are gone. During traffic hours, I used to stand in front of a hotel, and it was easy to pickup, but now uber cars lands in front of you every second. Yellow got to wait 3 hours to pickup someone to theater district in traffic.
Driving yellow is a wast of life period. I wouldn’t pay 50$ a shift because from 12am to 630am you can’t find a fare. So now drivers pay for 7 hours a shift. Within that 7 hours you are slammed with traffic for 4 hours, and 90% zero Airport under zero vision. Then you are left with 3 hours of work to take home if you are not dehydrated exhausted and sometimes you go home with 3 tickets pink like a criminal.
Pain; You got pain in your head. Think about after 2.5 years with all this competition yellows still alive. Now I can assure you yellow is surviving kids. Billions $ was spent on the closing yellow down. We definitely got brutal time but we will survive. Keep positive attitude! God bless you all ( yellow cab drivers, and owners)
Now is the time to stop picking up passenger in Manhattan for illegal ehail ride like Uber/Lyft or Gett. Because Yellow cab industry is only Manhattan based Business. They dont have job outside boro. On the other hand Uber/Lyft/Gett/Via , they have jobs everywhere.So stop them ASAP PICKUP in Manhattan and save the Yellow Taxi Industry.
Trump 2016 !
Drain the swamp
God saved us by Uber and lyft…UBER/lyft are really good masters ,they made the market now active and competitive ..yellow cab drivers are happy with uber and lyft …I can driver for any one now,not like before I had to sleep inside the garage next to compressors to get a cab…yellow cab garages brokers are criminals they had no hearth towards cabbies.. they gave you smelly cab sprayed with urine every where .and they said take it or leave it .I remember I told the garage to change the front shoks and the guy said /I don’t have car for you/don’t come here.
Where you gonna get immigrants to drive your garbage cans. Trump will teach you a lesson hardly. Because you turned humans into trash who have to work over time for 2$ an hour 70 hours a week. The end of slavery. Get your asses to work and leave medallions for veterans. You can’t turn a medallion into million investment! What doses it do by the way? produces milk? If you can’t crack down math equations and engineering, then american will not be your place! bey bey darkness! Hunger killed the american dream.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” SIR Edmund Burke
This is to you NYC Taxi industry owners and drivers you will lose this battle soon if you stand around go down to Beaver street and let them know that you will not put up with this anymore.
this is how much money Uber sucked in from the nyc street :
they have 18000 thousand drivers
each driver generate 2800$ a week.
So 18000 x2800$ = $ 50,400,000 / week.
Each year multiply by 56
$ 50,400,000 x 56 = $ 28,224,000,000,000
The last 7 years uber made minimum gross income this:
money lost by cabbies…..Grabbing pussies easy.
Stay With Yellow……
They both suck.
what about the green cab? is good?
There’s too many cabs out. Green yellow for hire all are hurting. It’s a race to the bottom. If I had to pick it would be yellow. But it is all short rides. No more Hoboken or airports. Not even Bay Ridge. Anyone want to guess how many foreclosures this November?
Family I guess you mean me. I just post my observations. The owners that took out max loans and hid the $ and walked are the lucky ones. Don’t take what I post personal. I know what is happening upsets you but it’s not my fault. I’m not in the shitter but it could happen to me and lots of us. Let’s wait and see. I’m not happy either but owners are being forclosured and losing their houses.
What it costs to be an owner driver monthly; car $450 Insurance 325 cc fees 200 tax stamp 83 renewal 60 maint 200 misc 50= $1368÷25 days $55 per shift plus if you have a $1,000 note its almost $100 daily if you work 25 days.
Who is little midget?
Uber Hurting YOU Guys….????
My UBER will take over the world,..prepare
The truth Uber drivers makes $7 an hour,if they’re lucky.
Uber Guys Screaming for Benefits and $ 15 an Hour….I Wonder WHY…?….FailUBER..?
Give it up to next year ,all of them yellow including Uber and others will crash to their death,because the diversity lottery visa is canceled that pouring migrants into New York city and has been eliminated by the new president Donald Trump god.No more Drivers.Bad news is good news.
Urgent ! Warning!
Attention all drivers who used the CMT gps system !your credit cards are swallowed ..any credit cards that return confirmation number 0000000000. it means ,the payment is diverted..I got my own missing credit cards after 6 months…My garage said they dont recieve money for all credit cards…I lost 2450$ within 6 months.garage printed shrink reports with missing credits.
keep your receipts and end shift …Do not use CMT
This a message. Is entended for the tlc to do a full investigation in secret….CMT dont like to give passwords to drivers..Garages dont regund drivers on all credit cards.
MEDALLION WANTED $100,000 cash, my too offer
Uber drivers
a worker at 72st and second ave north west corner construction side , hates cabbies and called the cabbie fucking terrorists…and was angree like hell screaming on him.he didnt have stop sign and cabbie didnt see him wanted to stop traffic.The construction manager must speak clearly to his workers stop fighting is insane in manhattan they all fight cabbies workers must go for 40 hours discipline lesson.